Whistleblower Cases

Experienced Whistleblower Attorneys You Can Count On ​

Have you recently noticed misconduct at your workplace but are unsure of what to do next? Taking the step to report illegal activity at your workplace can be nerve-racking – especially if you are in fear of retaliation from your coworkers and employer. Regardless, you must know you are doing the right thing and that you do not have to be afraid. Not only are there state and federal laws to protect your rights, but MSB Employment Justice has a group of remarkable attorneys that are prepared to help.

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Whistleblowers often live in fear because of the possible retaliation that can occur. MSB Employment Justice is prepared to represent you every step of the way in your whistleblower case. If you are ready to take action against misconduct or illegal activity in your workplace and put it to a stop, we encourage you to contact the knowledgeable attorneys at MSB Employment Justice to get started.

What Makes Someone A Whistleblower?

There are times when you learn of or recognize illegal activity happening at your place of work. While filing a report is the right thing to do, those that choose to report misconduct by an employer are called whistleblowers. Many state and federal laws protect you from enduring whistleblower retaliation, and the MSB Employment Justice team can help. If you have been involved in any of the following scenarios, you may be a whistleblower who needs protection:

  • Reports of company conduct in violation of a state or federal law or regulation
  • Refused to engage in illegal activities
  • Reported company is treating employees incorrectly in violation of state or federal law or regulation
  • Participated in an investigation
  • Reports of company conduct or employee treatment in violation of a state or federal law or regulation to an external entity
  • Claim filed against an employer under the False Claims Act, IRS, SEC, and CFTC whistleblower statutes

Regardless of the scenario, the experienced attorneys at MSB Employment Justice are here to support you every step of the way. Numerous state and federal laws exist to protect you, and based on your unique situation, MSB Employment Justice will ensure you are protected from illegal retaliation at your workplace.

Whistleblower Retaliation Protection

While common law and the Minnesota Whistleblower Protection Act (MN Stat § 181.932) protect employees from retaliation, there are also three important protections for employees under federal law that you should be aware of:

  • Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX): As a part of today’s workforce, you are protected under SOX if you work for a publicly-traded company and have filed a report with the SEC regarding observed conduct that violates security laws.
  • False Claims Act (FCA): Should you notice your employer committing fraud against the Government, you will be protected under FCA. The FCA provides a reward to employees and others who file fraud reports, prohibits retaliation against whistleblowers, and may even offer compensation should your employer be retaliating.
  • Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA): You are protected under OSHA after filing a report should you feel you are being retaliated against after complaining or reporting unsafe working conditions, work-related injuries or illnesses, requested an OSHA inspection, and more.

Understanding Whistleblower Retaliation

You must report any illegal activity happening at your workplace, especially if you have witnessed it firsthand or heard about the incident from a coworker. However, employers can unlawfully retaliate against or punish an employee who reports the illegal activity. Whether it is subtle or obvious adverse action taken by the employer, it is vital to hire an attorney to help you navigate next steps and hold your employer accountable. Here at MSB Employment Justice, we know how challenging these uncomfortable situations can be to deal with as they can directly affect your wellbeing, career progression, and livelihood. Below are a few examples of how your employer may be retaliating against you:

  • Demotion or transfer
  • Acts of threat or unfair treatment
  • Wrongful termination
  • Unwarranted disciplinary actions
  • Reducing pay or hours
  • Denying opportunities for career progression
  • Unfair employee reviews
  • Denying employee benefits

How Can A Whistleblower Attorney Help You?

From the moment you witness, learn of, or recognize illegal activity at your workplace, it is crucial to take action and seek guidance from an experienced employment attorney. Not only are the attorneys at MSB Employment Justice familiar with whistleblower cases, but we have helped numerous employees navigate the process successfully. Our attorneys will help minimize adverse reactions and ensure you are protected under the law before filing a report. 

However, if you have already filed your report of misconduct, MSB Employment Justice can help you recognize whether a form of retaliation is occurring and take actionable steps to resolve it. At times, you may be coming to us after you have experienced retaliation like termination. If so, your whistleblower status can be used to file a lawsuit, pursue severance, and reach the case outcome you deserve.

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